"How can you read this? There's no pictures!"

-"Well, some people use their imagination."

Friday, February 25, 2011

QR Codes in My Library

At first I was very confused about QR codes.  It wasn’t until good old CSI New York explained it to me.  It made so much sense after that. As soon as I watched the clip and understood QR codes, I couldn’t stop thinking about different things that I could use them for.  I initially thought of using QR codes for movie trailers for books made into movies such as Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief.  You could also have two QR codes in close proximity to one another; one for the book and one for the movie that is based on the book.   I think that this would really be helpful in the library because kids are more likely to want to watch a movie than read a book; but if you combine the two then you can show the kids how books are different and how much better they are.  I also thought about using QR codes for programs that the library is offering.  For instance, the Denton Public Library puts on a Summer Reading Program.  As far as creating a QR code for it, you could create one for the webpage that has all the information about the program and what prizes you can win for reading.  I think that QR codes are so intriguing to students that they would want to scan them and figure out what information they can find. It is almost like a treasure hunt with wonderful, mysterious prizes at the end.